What are top 5 strongest forbidden jutsu?

Top 5 Strongest Forbidden Jutsu.


Naruto, the anime is one of the most popular anime. And have different things that made the anime more and more interesting.

From many one the things like sharingan, jutsu is one of the things that made the anime more interesting. Jutsu can be used by using some hand sign.

The series have many jutsu but there are some jutsu that are forbidden. And it is not allowed to use this jutsu as this jutsu possess threat for the user and for the world.

And here is the list of “Top 5 strongest Forbidden jutsu” in Naruto.


  • 5 - Izanagi
  • 4 - Reaper Death Seal
  • 3 - The Eight Inner Gates Formation
  • 2 - Edo Tensei
  • 1 - Rinne Tensei


Strongest forbidden jutsu

5 - Izanagi

Strongest Forbidden Jutsu.

Izanagi is only used by Uchiha as they have sharingan. The jutsu allows to rewrite the reality. And it cost one eye to use this jutsu. If a Uchiha used this jutsu single time then he will lose his one aye.

4 – Reaper Death Seal

Strongest sealing forbidden jutsu.

This is a sealing jutsu use by Uzumaki clan and to use this jutsu, the user have to sacrifice his soul. This is the strongest sealing jutsu and it is forbidden.

3 - The Eight Inner Gates Formation

Strongest forbidden jutsu in Naruto.

The Eight Inner Gates Formation, this jutsu is one of the strongest jutsu enough to give a fight to Madara Uchiha with 10 tail powers, but after opening all eight gates the user dies that is why this is a forbidden.

2 - Edo Tensei

Edo Tensei.

The jutsu allow the user to summon souls of dead people using a living person body and the user can command them to do whatever the user wants.

1 - Rinne Tensei

Rinne Tensei.

This jutsu can used by those who have rinnengan. And the jutsu allows the user to bring back any to back to life.

Check this too -Who is the strongest Uchiha?

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